Terms and Conditions

Subscribing to Wazin services through the website or application implies agreeing to the following terms (Terms of Use). The services – provided by Wazin under the Terms of Use – include various products, features, and tools that help you create and manage your e-commerce business (the Service).

Any new features or tools added to the current Service are also subject to the same terms.

Wazin reserves the right to update and change the Terms of Use by posting updates and changes on its website or application. It is advised to visit the site from time to time to review any updates that may affect you.

You are required to read all the provisions in the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy and agree to them before becoming an official user of Wazin.

Read the "Terms of Use" for a comprehensive understanding of your legal requirements. By using Wazin or any of its services, you agree to these terms.

Account Terms

  • You must be 18 years of age or older, or have reached the age of majority as per the laws and regulations of the country from which you use the service.
  • You must register with Wazin to use and benefit from the service. This involves providing your full name as shown on official documents, current address, valid mobile number, and accurate email address, along with any required information as indicated in the registration form. Wazin reserves the right to refuse the creation of any account and to cancel any account due to valid reasons according to the granted permissions.
  • Wazin has the right to use your email address as a primary means of communication.
  • The user is responsible for keeping their password secure. Wazin is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from forgetting or failing to maintain the security of the account and password.
  • The user is responsible for all activities and content such as data, graphics, images, and links uploaded under their account on Wazin ("Store Content"). It is prohibited to transfer any viruses, computer worms, or any destructive code.
  • Violation of any term in the terms of use, as outlined and in accordance with the granted permissions to Wazin, will result in the immediate termination of user services and claims for compensation.

Account Activation

Account Owner

The beneficiary of the Wazin service is the contracting party (account owner) who is bound by the terms of use and is the only person authorized to manage any other account provided to them.

If you subscribe to the service on behalf of the employer, the employer is the account owner, and you are authorized by them, and you must comply with the terms.

Payment and Settlement Account Services, Visa/MasterCard and Credit Card

Wazin has the right to provide SADAD, Visa or MasterCard with your information based on the account owner's request after completing the registration.

You are responsible for activating the settlement account and/or payment services using Visa/MasterCard credit cards, and if you do not wish to keep them active, you are also responsible for deactivating the activation. Please note that SADAD services and/or Visa/MasterCard credit cards are third-party services and are subject to the expected deactivation responsibility from you as a Wazin account owner.

When using the settlement account and/or payment services with Visa/MasterCard credit cards in the store, you agree to comply with the terms of the settlement account and/or Visa credit card as a third party as stated in the terms of use displayed when activating the service in the application or website. If they are modified or changed, a new version will be published in the application or website. Use after posting amendments constitutes acceptance of the new terms of the settlement account and/or payment services with Visa/MasterCard credit cards.

If you reject any changes that occur to the settlement account and/or terms of payment with Visa/MasterCard credit cards, you must deactivate the settlement account and/or payment services with your credit cards and not continue to use them in your store.

Payment on Delivery Service

When you subscribe to the service and at the request of the account owner, the payment on delivery service will be activated using your information.

You are fully responsible for managing the payment on delivery services as a Wazin account owner, and if you wish to cancel this service, you must do so yourself. It must be noted that it is a service provided by a third party.

You agree to the terms and conditions of the third party when using the payment on delivery service as shown when activating the service in the application or website. If they are modified or changed, a new version will be published in the application or website. Use after posting amendments constitutes acceptance of the changes and acceptance of the payment on delivery service terms. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of the third party, you must deactivate the payment on delivery service and not continue to use it in your store.

Bank Transfer Service

Wazin has the right to activate the bank transfer service based on the account owner's request, using your information.

You are fully responsible for managing the bank transfer services as the owner of the Wazin account, and you must keep your bank account information correct for your store. You are responsible for activating or deactivating the account. Wazin is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from failure to maintain bank transfer payments and data or manage them.

By using the bank transfer service in your store, you agree to the terms and conditions of the bank, and Wazin is not responsible for any violations of the bank's terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the bank's terms and conditions, you must disable the bank transfer service and not continue to use it in your store.

Domain Names (Store Link)

Wazin allows you to use subdomains in the format "storename.wazin.sa" for your own store, which you can use and share with customers.

Wazin allows you to link between the primary and subdomain when purchasing a domain name (link) through third-party services, as long as your account is still active. You are responsible for purchasing, activating, and disabling the domain name (link) according to your preference. Wazin is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from failure to maintain your domain (your link) and manage it through third-party services.

General Terms

  • All users must read and agree to the terms of use and privacy policy before joining Wazin.
  • Assistance is provided to all Wazin users through the website/app and email only.
  • These terms of use are governed by the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the parties agree to the jurisdiction of the Saudi Arabian courts in case of disputes or claims arising from the terms of use.
  • By joining, the account owner acknowledges that Wazin reserves the right to modify the terms of use at any time by publishing the amended terms on the Wazin website and/or application, available at <a href="https://wazin.sa/terms-conditions">https://wazin.sa/terms-conditions</a>. The modifications are effective from the date of publication. By using the services after the publication of modifications, the account owner agrees to the modified terms and accepts them. The account owner must cease using the service if not in agreement with any changes to the terms of use.
  • Account owners are prohibited from using the Wazin service for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. The service cannot be used in a way that violates any system or law, including labor and residency laws in the Kingdom, copyright, and intellectual property rights. Wazin has the right to cancel any account that violates any of the aforementioned.
  • By joining, the user acknowledges that they are not allowed to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or exploit any part of the service or use it or access it without explicit written permission from Wazin.
  • Account owners are prohibited from purchasing search engines or other keywords that enable pay-per-click (such as Google AdWords) or identifiers using Wazin's trademarks or similar forms for manipulation.
  • Users should be aware that the content of their store (excluding payment information) can be transmitted unencrypted and may include (a) transmission over different networks and (b) changes to adapt and comply with the technical requirements of networks or linking devices. Payment information is always encrypted during transmission from one network to another.
  • By using the service, the user agrees that all information sent or stored by Wazin is subject to its privacy policy.
  • The terms of use will be available in both Arabic and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between the Arabic and English texts, the Arabic text shall prevail.

Wazin Rights

  • Wazin reserves the right to modify or terminate the service for any reason, without prior notice, and at any time.
  • Wazin reserves the right to reject service activation for anyone, for any reason, and at any time.
  • Wazin reserves the right to remove store content and accounts that contain content deemed illegal, offensive, threatening, defamatory, or promotes pornographic, obscene, unwanted content in any form, or violates the intellectual property rights of another party, or violates the terms of use.
  • Any inappropriate behavior, including verbal abuse or misconduct of any kind (including threats of mistreatment or retaliation), by any Wazin client, employee, member, or officer, will result in immediate account termination.
  • Previously stored content is not pre-screened and is subject to our absolute discretion to reject or remove any stored content available through the service.
  • Wazin reserves the right to provide its services to any party, even if it competes with other parties benefiting from the same services, while adhering to ethical and legal principles not to harm any party or refuse service to achieve gains for another party. Retaining any form of monopoly in any sector of the available market is not considered a violation. The user also acknowledges that Wazin employees and contractors may also be Wazin customers/merchants at the same time and may compete with the user. However, Wazin is not allowed to use the user's confidential information while doing so.
  • In the event of an account ownership dispute, Wazin has the right to request documents to verify account ownership. Documents may include, but are not limited to, an electronic copy (scanned) of the user's commercial activity license or a copy of the national ID card, or the last four digits of the credit card in the file, etc.
  • Wazin reserves the right to determine its own time, as appropriate, or seek legal consultation to determine account ownership and has the authority to make a decision to transfer the account to the rightful owner. In case Wazin is unable to reasonably determine the rightful account owner, Wazin has the right to temporarily disable the account until the dispute between the conflicting parties is resolved through a court judgment or a binding agreement reached with the presence of a legal advisor.

Limitations of Liability

  • The user agrees and understands that Wazin will not be responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or severe damages, including but not limited to, damages arising from loss of profit, reputation, usage, data, or other intangible losses, resulting from the use or inability to use the service.
  • In all cases, Wazin and its distributors are not responsible for loss of profits, any special, incidental, consequential, or secondary damages arising from its services or these terms of use (including those caused by negligence). The user agrees to indemnify and protect Wazin and, as appropriate, Wazin's parent company or affiliated companies or partners, and Wazin's partners, officials, directors, agents, employees, and suppliers unaffected by any claim or request, including attorney's fees, made by any third party due to or arising from the user's breach of these terms of use, the documents referenced herein, or the violation of any system, law, or public right.
  • The account holder assumes full responsibility for usage. The service is provided "as is" and "as available" without any express or implied warranty or legal warranty.
  • Wazin does not guarantee that any malfunction in the provision of services beyond its capability or due to emergency or force majeure will occur – no malfunction or error will occur. Wazin undertakes to take all necessary and reasonable steps to address and remedy the situation.
  • Wazin does not guarantee that the results of using the service will be accurate or consistent.
  • Wazin does not guarantee that the quality of any products, services, information, or other materials purchased or obtained by the user through the service will meet their expectations or that any errors in the service will be corrected.

Waiver and Entire Agreement

The failure of Wazin to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such right. The user's use of the Service is subject to these Terms of Use and replaces any prior agreements between the user and Wazin (including, but not limited to, prior versions of these Terms of Use or oral or initial communications).

Intellectual Property and Customer Content

  • Wazin is not entitled to claim intellectual property rights over the content uploaded by users on Wazin. All uploaded content remains the property of the user. This does not exempt the user from complying with Wazin's terms and policies, or from being held accountable in case of violation. Users can delete their Wazin store at any time by requesting account deletion from customer service.
  • When content is uploaded to the store, the user agrees to the following points: (a) Allowing other internet users to view the store's content. (b) Allowing Wazin to display and store the store's content. (c) Wazin has the right to review the uploaded store content at any time to ensure its safety and compliance with the terms and guidelines.
  • Users retain ownership of all content uploaded to the Wazin store. In any case, when the store is public, it serves as consent for others to view the store's content. The user is responsible for adhering to the applicable regulations and laws governing the store content.
  • Wazin will not disclose confidential user information to third parties unless required during service provision and with the prior consent and knowledge of the user. Confidential information includes any materials or information provided by the user to Wazin that are not publicly known. Confidential information does not include information that: (a) was publicly available at the time of receipt, (b) entered the public domain after being received by Wazin without any error on Wazin's part, (c) was received by Wazin from another person other than the user without breach of their obligations or confidentiality; or (d) is required to be disclosed by law.
  • Wazin has an open license to use the names, trademarks, service marks, and logos associated with the user's store to promote the service.

Third-Party Logistics Companies

Users, if located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, can activate shipping through third-party logistics companies from within the website/application to deliver goods purchased from their Wazin store. In addition to these terms of use, the use of Wazin's logistics services is subject to the terms and conditions of each third-party logistics company as stated on their respective website/application when activating the delivery service.

Store Appearance

  • The user can customize their store appearance using Wazin design templates. They have the right to use the design templates available from Wazin within their store only, and they are not allowed to transfer or sell any design templates from Wazin's store to another person's store, whether within Wazin or elsewhere. Wazin reserves its legal right to deal with any violation of this condition.
  • The user can customize the design of Wazin templates to fit their store. Wazin reserves the right to make modifications to the design to add or modify the footer that carries its identity, according to its discretion. Wazin also has the right to modify templates that contain elements that may be illegal, offensive, threatening, or contain explicit or inappropriate content in any form, even after delivery to the user in such cases. Wazin reserves the right to make technical and technological updates to the templates as needed.
  • Wazin owns the intellectual property rights to the design templates available in the store. If the granted rights are exceeded through the purchase process, Wazin may take legal and administrative actions against the user, such as modifying their store or closing it.
  • The user bears the responsibility to ensure that the use of old or new Wazin design templates does not lead to changes or destruction of their store's content.

Fee Payment

  • The user must pay the required fees when subscribing to the service ("Subscription Fees") and any other necessary fees, including but not limited to transaction fees associated with their account ("Transaction Fees") and fees related to purchasing any products or services such as equipment, shipping, applications, backgrounds, usernames, or external services ("Additional Fees"). The term "Fees" includes all these fees.
  • The user must provide valid credit card information upon registration to pay all periodic financial obligations. Wazin will record the fees on the credit card account for which information is provided ("Approved Card"), and Wazin will continue to collect fees from the Approved Card (or any alternate card) for the outstanding fees until services are terminated according to Wazin's terms, after settling all outstanding fees unless there is a contrary arrangement. All fees and payments are made in Saudi Riyals.
  • Subscription fees are paid in advance, and an invoice is issued within 30 days, payable periodically annually (referred to as the "Invoice Generation Date"). Transaction fees and additional fees are calculated from time to time according to Wazin's estimation, and the user's fees are collected on the date of each invoice for all outstanding fees that have not been previously paid. The fees are itemized on the invoice sent to the registered email in the registration profile. The invoice is also available on the account subscription page on Wazin's website. Users have 14 days to resolve any issues related to subscription fee invoices.

Automatic Renewal

  • The user must pay the required fees when subscribing to the service ("Subscription Fees") and any other necessary fees, including but not limited to transaction fees associated with their account ("Transaction Fees") and fees related to purchasing any products or services such as equipment, shipping, applications, backgrounds, usernames, or external services ("Additional Fees"). The term "Fees" includes all these fees.
  • The user must provide valid credit card information upon registration to pay all periodic financial obligations. Wazin will record the fees on the credit card account for which information is provided ("Approved Card"), and Wazin will continue to collect fees from the Approved Card (or any alternate card) for the outstanding fees until services are terminated according to Wazin's terms, after settling all outstanding fees unless there is a contrary arrangement. All fees and payments are made in Saudi Riyals.
  • Subscription fees are paid in advance, and an invoice is issued within 30 days, payable periodically annually (referred to as the "Invoice Generation Date"). Transaction fees and additional fees are calculated from time to time according to Wazin's estimation, and the user's fees are collected on the date of each invoice for all outstanding fees that have not been previously paid. The fees are itemized on the invoice sent to the registered email in the registration profile. The invoice is also available on the account subscription page on Wazin's website. Users have 14 days to resolve any issues related to subscription fee invoices.

Cancellation and Termination

  • The user can cancel their account at any time by contacting the support team or reaching out to the success merchants, or by emailing help@wazin.sa and then following the specific instructions mentioned in the email message from Wazin.
  • When either party cancels the services for any reason:
    • Wazin will cease to provide services to the user and they will no longer have access to their account.
    • The user does not have the right to request a refund for any fees, unless otherwise specified in the terms of use.
    • Any outstanding balance owed to Wazin resulting from your use of the services up until the date of this termination will become immediately due for full payment, and the user's site services will be immediately suspended.
    • If the service end date arrives and there are fees that the user has not paid, a final invoice will be sent via email. After the invoice is paid in full, no further fees will be collected from the user.
  • Wazin reserves the full right to modify or terminate the services for the user or their account for any reason at any time without notice.
  • Fraud and Deception: Wazin is entitled to suspend or terminate your account when there is suspicion of your involvement in any fraudulent activity related to Wazin's services or any of its clients and take any other necessary legal action.

Refund Policy

  • If the merchant has fulfilled orders on their store and then requests a refund, the request will be rejected.
  • The merchant has the right to request a full refund within 3 days from the subscription or renewal date, provided they have not utilized any of Wazin's services during the period for which they intend to refund their fees, including fulfilling orders on the store.
  • The merchant can submit a refund request by contacting via email at help@wazin.sa and then following the specified instructions in the email message from Wazin.
  • The customer service team will process the refund request within 3-5 business days. If the merchant is not eligible for a refund, the customer service team will inform the merchant of the rejection along with providing reasons.
  • If the merchant is eligible for a refund, the refund process will be completed within two weeks, and a bank transfer fee of 8 Saudi Riyals will be deducted, along with any other fees such as payment gateway fees.

Package Upgrade

If you upgrade your package to a higher one, Wazin will calculate the remaining days in the lower package and add their value as extra days to the higher package, so that the fees for the remaining days and the fees for the extra days are equal.

Service and Price Changes

  • Service prices are changeable and subject to modification. Users will be notified at least 30 days prior to any changes. This notification can be provided at any time through email notifications, mobile messages, or by publishing the changes on Wazin's website wazin.sa.
  • Wazin reserves the right to modify or suspend the service (or any part of it) at any time with or without notice.
  • Wazin shall not be held responsible towards the user or any third party for any modification or change in prices, suspension, or termination of the service.